Unlike other forms of orienteering, the mass start and nearly identical courses, means that participants have to really stay on their toes. It is very easy to be distracted by someone who appears to be going the same way as you, meaning you start doubting your own navigation. With expected winning times of 25–30 minutes, it is fast and furious orienteering.
Through an administrative mix-up, our Year 7 and 8 orienteers found themselves running the boys course, instead of the girls course. While similar in difficulty, the boys course is generally slightly longer. Despite this, Ellie Cumberland, Abbie To and Flora Oskam-Stevens ran the fourth fastest time when compared to the other girls teams.
The Senior girls had a nail-biting final leg, with Amelia McIntosh starting her leg in first place, several minutes ahead of national title-winning competitors. She was in this position because Cerys Findlow (running up from the Intermediate grade) ran an impressive course, followed by Sienna Payne taking out the fastest Senior Girls leg overall. Holding on to those extremely fast runners and coming in second overall is a huge achievement for our Senior girls.
Junior girls Sophia Ng, Amy MacRae and Charlotte Locke came in third place for their race. Again, this is an outstanding achievement, particularly for Amy, who is orienteering for the first time this year.
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