These have indeed been strange times, especially for singers who have been hit hard with no singing in Term 1, all rehearsals needing masks and Zoom lessons becoming the norm. Then finally, our super talented Year 7 – 10 cohort of singers get to perform on stage with an audience for the first time since 2019!
We were very lucky to have Swedish opera singer and one of NZ’s leading vocal exponents, Catrin Johnsson, adjudicate. Once again she was blown away by the talent on show and with 15 finalists chosen from over 30 entrants, these girls sang their hearts out.
There have been so few performance opportunities over the last two years and for nearly all of these young singers, this was their first time performing solo.
We were also treated to a beautiful performance by Year 13 star and Arts Prefect, Hattie Johnston, who won Senior Aria last year. She has been an inspirational mentor to many of our younger singers.
Year 7 & Year 8
1st prize Anna Yuan (Year 7)
2nd prize Angel Tao (Year 7)
3rd Prize Tania Tupou (Year 8)
Year 9 & Year 10
1st prize Lotosina Tavui (Year 10)
2nd prize Ella Bosselmann (Year 10)
3rd Prize Madeleine Christiansen (Year 10)
Schedule a time to meet with a member of our admissions team to discuss your application.
Schedule a time to meet with a member of our admissions team to discuss your application.
Schedule a time to meet with a member of our admissions team to discuss your application.
Visit us at our next Open Day.