After a successful mooting season, three of the four teams progressing to the finals on Thursday 1 August were from Dio.
In the junior round, Sophia Davies, Rebecca Wang and Milu Lu successfully defended their client against the accusation of “theft in a special relationship” as defined by Section 220 of the Crimes Act. Both teams performed extremely well and the final decision was clearly a difficult one to make. This is the second consecutive year in which Sophia has won the junior finals, with different team mates each time.
After a short pizza break, the court resumed. This time the defence was represented by Isobella Baggeley, Violet Tucker, Molly Sherrard and Issie Epke. The team for the prosecution was Lucy Kilgour, Sophia Hardie, Ella Millar, Zara Tucker and May Wang. This was another stellar performance by both teams, who were especially congratulated on their excellent public speaking skills. Of particular interest was the cross examination (Violet Tucker) of the witness for the prosecution (Zara Tucker).
Once again, the scoring was very close, with the defence also winning this moot. In order to participate, students needed to understand a case with complex evidence, complicated law and extensive case law.
Congratulations to all students involved.
Both Dio Senior Teams
Dio Senior Winners
Dio Junior Winners
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