Diocesan Arts Council 2020
Despite the disruptions and uncertainties, we wanted to celebrate the journey our girls have taken this year, against the odds, to participate, explore and achieve at an incredibly high level.
2020 has produced some remarkable successes in the arts and and some competitions have been lucky enough to run, others cancelled, but the dedication students have shown in all areas of the creative arts has resulted in success at regional, national and international levels.
Summer Edwards is awarded the Arts Council Star Award
For the first time, the event was held in our new theatre, with our newly formed Clyde Street Jazz Band performing in the foyer. The multi-media presentations looked and sounded stunning, it really was a night to remember and captured the zeitgeist of this COVID-19 year.
Trio Glivenko and Year 12 Dancers
Below is the link to our PowerPoint showing the awards our students received:
ARTS AWARDS PPT MOV Soundtrack is yr13 Sabreen Islam singing her own song ‘Let Me Dream Awhile’ which was recorded in Dio’s own studio with our student instrumentalists.
Schedule a time to meet with a member of our admissions team to discuss your application.
Schedule a time to meet with a member of our admissions team to discuss your application.
Schedule a time to meet with a member of our admissions team to discuss your application.
Visit us at our next Open Day.