
junior high school careers hero
junior high school careers hero

The future of each of our girls is full of possibilities.

At our innovative Career Development Centre we offer guidance and resources that help students make an effective transition into the world of work and training.

Career support starts early

Our Career Development Centre starts working with students in the classroom from Year 7 onwards exploring with them throughout their time at Diocesan; how they learn, who they are, how they interact with the world and how they view the world of work so that at every stage when important decisions have to be made they have effective career management strategies and skills.

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Exploring your future

We believe our girls should start exploring and imagining their futures now. So we regularly invite past students and guest speakers from universities and industries to share their insight and advice. We also have a wide range of online and print resources for students to explore in depth at any time.

Higher education

Higher education is the primary destination for many Diocesan students with 95% transitioning directly to university after year 13, and the remaining 5% embarking on a gap year, most often with the intention to go to university at a later date.

Our careers advisors have been to top universities in the United Kingdom and the United States and are very experienced in how to access scholarships and enrolments to prestigious universities anywhere in the world. This has resulted in our girls securing enrolments and scholarships to Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, Hong Kong to name just a few.

Sixty percent of the jobs that our current students will end up doing haven’t been invented yet.

Planning for the future is about the next best step for our students and our aim is to make sure they take their first step from Diocesan with confidence, but are also equipped to make subsequent steps and career decisions in a rapidly changing world.

Supporting our girls

Our Career Development team offer support and guidance to all students and parents at every level with option choices and subject planning.


Facilitating students’ careers decision-making through individual and group counselling.


Providing career education programmes that give girls the knowledge and skills to self-manage their careers throughout their lives.


Supporting staff and curriculum areas by providing special opportunities and specialist speakers to provide links between academic courses and real life situations.

Skills & training

Assisting students in making the transition from school to tertiary training, work or other options including CV and interview skills, university preparation and applications.

Study abroad

Coordinating references for accommodation, scholarships and university courses in NZ and overseas.

Gap years

Providing support and guidance to students planning gap years.

Apply Online

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Make an appointment

Schedule a time to meet with a member of our admissions team to discuss your application.

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Schedule a time to meet with a member of our admissions team to discuss your application.

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Visit us at our next Open Day.